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457 is fully Scout-led.


From weekly meetings to week-long camping trips, 457 Scouts plan and lead the Troop's activities.


Leadership positions include Senior Patrol Leader, Quartermaster, Patrol Leaders, Webmaster, and more. Elections are held twice a year, giving all Scouts opportunities to build leadership skills and complete rank advancement requirements.

457 has committed adult mentors.


While building their leadership skills, 457 Scouts have the benefit of strong, committed adult mentors, many of whom have been associated with the troop for over a decade.


Our Scoutmaster is Brett Surprenant. Mr. Surprenant is involved with the Troop at every meeting and goes on numerous camping trips every year to help out the scouts and have fun.


Our Troop Committee Chair, Sarah Vittone, has volunteered with Troop 457 for years. She keeps many things organized and running smoothly.


Adult mentors guide Scouts through leadership roles, supervise merit badge achievements, serve on Boards of Review, and support the Troop.

457 patrols are organized by age.


With each new class of Cub Scouts crossing over to Troop 457, we form at least one new patrol. Age-based patrols help the Scouts stay on track through rank advancement.


If you cross over to 457, you will be in a Trailblazers (first year) patrol. If you join later, you will join a patrol with Scouts your own age.


Troop 457 draws membership from many middle and high schools in the greater Rockville area.

457 meetings are active and fun.


Each month, 457 has two full troop meetings, one merit badge night, and one patrol night.


Full troop meetings feature varied activities, including service projects.


Merit badge nights focus on achievements toward rank advancement.


Patrol nights are a time for Scouts to have fun and build friendships. Patrols determine their own activities for Patrol Nights, which sometimes take place off the St. Patrick's campus.

457 loves camping . . .


. . . and hiking and backpacking and high adventure! We love camping so much that we designed our own camping award! Chevrons commemorate additional camping milestones. How many nights will you get?


Scouts in Troop 457 have camping and backpacking opportunities year-round. We are an all seasons troop!


457 spends a week at Goshen Scout Reservation - Camp Bowman - and also takes a high adventure trip every year - rotating through Philmont, Northern Tier, and Seabase. 457 Scouts can attend the Lenhok'sin High Adventure experience at Goshen.

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